
Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., Anderson, G. W., Tomy, G. T., and Fisk, A. T. 2013. Increased cortisol concentrations in beluga whale blubber over time. Prairie University Biological Symposium, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB. Feb. 22th, 2013. (presentation)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., Anderson, G. W., Tomy, G. T., and Fisk, A. T. 2012. Increased cortisol concentrations in beluga whales from the Canadian Arctic. Manitoba Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Getaway, Riding Mountain National Park, MB. Feb. 9th, 2013. (invited speaker)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., Anderson, G. W., Tomy, G. T., and Fisk, A. T. 2012. Temporal and special trends of cortisol in beluga whales from the Canadian Arctic. ArcticNet 8th Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Dec. 10-14, 2012. (poster)

Trana, M. R. 2012. Assessing the cause of chronic stress in beluga whales of the Canadian Arctic. Portage la Prairie Natural History Group, Portage la Prairie, MB. Oct. 17th, 2012 (invited speaker)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., and Tomy, G. T. 2011. Temporal patterns in beluga whale diet. ArcitcNet seminar course and series, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. March. 2012. (invited speaker)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., and Tomy, G. T. 2011. Temporal patterns in beluga whale diet. Society for Marine Mammalogy Confernce, Tampa, FL. Nov. 2011. (poster)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., and Tomy, G. T. 2011. Assessing chronic stress in beluga whale stocks with changes in predation risk and diet. Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Thunder Bay, ON. Sept. 2011. (poster)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., and Tomy, G. T. 2011. Comparing chronic stress in beluga whale stocks of the Canadian arctic. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution Meeting, Banff, AB. May 2011. (poster)

Trana, M. R., Ferguson, S. H., Roth, J. D., and Tomy, G. T. 2011. Effects of stress hormones on beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) populations of the Canadian arctic. Prairie University Biological Symposium, Saskatoon, SK. Feb. 2011. (presentation)

Trana, M. 2010.Dietary differences between male and female river otters: evaluation with non-invasive genetic sampling. American Society of Mammalogist Conference, Laramie, WY. June 2010. (poster)

Trana, M. 2010.Dietary differences between male and female river otters: evaluation with non-invasive genetic sampling. Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research  (EPSCoR) Undergraduate Research Day Conference, Laramie, WY. April 2010. (poster and presentation)

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